I was a chaperone for my 75-year-old mother!
When my 85-year-old dad took ill suddenly and landed in the hospital some years back, a dub from overseas came to stay for a few days at my dub mom and dad's house. He apparently couldn't change his itinerary at the last minute. I was staying with my then 75-year-old mom to help her with cooking, cleaning, driving, etc.
The foreign dub (also in his 70s) showed up; I made dinner for the 3 of us and told my mom I had to go home for a day to catch up on a few things there. She begged, literally begged, me to stay overnight. The reason? It wouldn't be "proper" for 2 unrelated dubs of the opposite sex to spend the night in the same house by themselves.
I laughed out loud and said, "Surely, anyone who knows you knows you would never do anything like that!" She said the situation would make her look guilty to other dubs at the KH. I just smiled, shook my head, and stayed over to calm her nerves, which were truly shaken by the merest hint that other dubs would think her a loose woman.
Dubs have sex on the brain all the time. They make the Victorians look like party-hearty sluts.